The DCC Cannabis Advisory Committee (CAC) will be holding the inaugural meeting of its Medicinal Use subcommittee on Monday, February 13th at 1 pm. The public is invited to testify at the meeting, which will be held virtually. The meeting will be devoted to defining the subcommittee’s scope, and identifying and prioritizing of topics for discussion in 2023. See meeting notice and agenda.
This is a chance for patients, doctors and medicinal cannabis advocates to express their views about what should be done to improve medicinal cannabis regulation in California. Expect for the committee to allow two minutes per speaker at the meeting. Written comments can also be submitted in advance by emailing [email protected]
California scored only a C+ on Americans for Safe Access’s yearly “State of the State” report, scoring states on their medical marijuana laws.
We were given credit for passing SB 1186 (requiring locals to allow medical marijuana delivery services) and AB 2188 (protecting employment rights), while noting those reforms don’t reflect in our grade this year since the laws aren’t in effect yet (and won’t be until 1/1/2024).
Our state scored 0/10 in “allow patients to medicate where they choose” and 0/5 in “independent or third-party” laboratory operations; we’re penalized 10 pts. out of 20 on “gives regulatory preference for adult use.” Respondents noted the lack of available medicinal grade products, and that dispensary products are overly focused on THC content to the detriment of more therapeutic chemical profiles.
Other coming events:
Wednesday, February 15 – 9 a.m.
CAC Cultivation Subcommittee meeting
The subcommittee will hear presentations from the California Craft Brewers Association and California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control on opportunities and regulatory structures within the alcoholic beverage industries that support small producers.
Thursday, February 16 – 9 a.m.
CAC Laboratory Subcommittee meeting
Thursday, February 16 • 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 PM
Cannabis Law in California—An Overview of Federal and State Laws
The Witkin State Law Library, part of the California State Library, will explore the history of federal and state cannabis laws with guest speaker Robert Solomon, professor of law at the UC Irvine. Topics of this webinar will discuss the history of legal and illegal cannabis, and the agencies, laws, and regulations that govern cannabis in California.
Webinar Registration