Doctors & Medical Professionals

This Cannabis Marketplace directory includes a map and listings of medical marijuana doctors and cannabis specialists. Find a cannabis physician to get a medical marijuana consultation by using this list of California NORML’s members.

Click on the listing name for further information about each medical practice.

Frank Lucido MD & Maria Mangini PhD FNP

frank lucido
Frank Lucido MD CANORML Doctor
frank lucidoFrank Lucido MD CANORML Doctor

Frank Lucido MD has retired and is not accepting new patients. He served the East Bay community from 1979 – 2023. Trained and certified in the practice of conventional medicine, he respects the benefits of alternative therapies. From 1996 on, he performed Medical Cannabis Consultations under The Compassionate Use Act (“Prop 215”).

Contact Information
Street Address:
Berkeley, California 94704