December 2016 – This year Cal NORML helped defeat DUID and tax bills, while supporting reasonable regulations. In 2017 we hope to sponsor bills to protect employment rights, pain patients rights, and access to medical marijuana for all.

November 28 – Several Cal NORML legal committee attorneys have reported that their clients have avoided jail time by having charges reduced under the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. The biggest group affected by Prop. 64—those who have already been punished for past pot convictions —may number in the hundreds of thousands.

November 11 – As we expected, one of the most frequently asked questions we have been getting since Prop. 64 passed legalizing adult marijuana use in California is, “Am I now protected against drug testing on my job?”

November 9, 2016 – Californians have approved Prop. 64 to legalize adult use of marijuana by a margin of 56-44%.
Versions of this proposal have been endorsed by the San Francisco and Alameda County Democratic Central Committees, and the Oakland Cannabis Commission.

UPDATED 11/28 – Proposition 64 carried in 38 of California’s 58 counties, with 19 counties voting against and Trinity County too close to call at latest report.
October 31, 2016 – Although cultivation for personal use will be legal as of November 9, 2016 if the AUMA is approved by voters, local governments will not lose any regulatory authority if they do not have an ordinance in place addressing personal cultivation before the election.

October 28, 2016 – If Proposition 64 passes, effective November 9, 2016, qualified patients with a state ID card will be exempted from retail sales tax on medical cannabis. ID card prices will be capped at $100 (or $50 for MediCal recipients).

October 2016 – Californians will join the voters of Arizona, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts in voting on an initiative to legalize adult use of marijuana on November 8th.

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 29 – This year’s legislative session saw a record number of marijuana bills, both good and bad, in Sacramento. Happily the worst ones were all defeated, and a few good ones survived to reach the Governor’s desk.

August 2016 – A three-judge panel of the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously on August 16 that the US Department of Justice may not prosecute medical marijuana operations that are in compliance with state law. On August 31, a separate three-judge panel from the same court ruled that a Nevada woman could be denied her right to purchase a gun because she had a medical marijuana card.

July 29 – Regulators from seven different state agencies, including the new Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation, spoke at a policy workshop sponsored by the California Grower’s Association in Sacramento.

July 24 – “If you can’t ban ’em, tax ’em” seems to be the new local government mantra as a new “Taxapolooza” replaces the “Banapolooza” that wreaked havoc on medical marijuana patients’ cultivation rights across California earlier this year.

July 1 – Californians will have the opportunity to vote on an initiative to legalize recreational use of marijuana this November 8th. The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), sponsored by Sean Parker (pictured) will appear on the ballot as Proposition 64.

July 2 – Felony arrests for Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs reduced by 68.2% and 73.6% respectively in California between 2014 and 2015, while Felony Marijuana arrests reduced 33.3% according to data released by the Attorney General’s office.

June 27 – Placer County, which had been leading the way among rural counties in codifying the new state MMRSA medical marijuana law at the local level, voted last week to restrict cannabis cultivation in its unincorporated areas to 6 plants or 50 square feet (whichever is less), grown indoors.

June 16 – Yesterday’s multi-agency raids on Sonoma County cannabis concentrate manufacturers Care by Design and AbsolutExtracts may be part of a pattern targeting such businesses in California.

June 8 – Advocates of liberalized medical marijuana rules fared poorly in local elections last night. The one bright spot was Nevada County, where voters rejected a proposed ban on outdoor cultivation of medical marijuana, Measure W by 58%.

The California legislature heard testimony from supporters and opponents of AUMA at a joint legislative hearing of the Assembly Business and Professions Committee, Health Committee, Revenue and Taxation Committee, and Senate Business, Professions and Economic Committee.

May 10 – The CA Assembly is expected to vote on Asm. Wood’s bill AB 2243 to impose a $9.25/ounce tax on cultivation of medical (only) marijuana in coming days. Now is the time to call on your Assembly member to oppose AB 2243.

May 4, 2016 – Sponsors have submitted more than 600,000 signatures for the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, an adult-use legalization initiative that is expected to appear on the California ballot this November.

April 19, 2016 – The Assembly Public Safety Committee narrowly passed a bill that would establish a 5 ng/ml per se standard for THC, criminalizing drivers with that amount in their blood.
April 9, 2016 – California legislative committees are considering two different bills by North Coast legislators to tax commercial medical marijuana.
NO TAXATION WITHOUT LEGALIZATION: Cal NORML Opposes Bills to Tax Medical Marijuana
Cal NORML is calling on the legislature to reject proposed legislation to tax medical (only) marijuana. SB 987 by Sen. McGuire would impose a 15% excise tax on retail purchases of medical marijuana in addition to the current 7.5+% sales tax plus various local business taxes assessed by some localities. AB 2243 by Asm. Wood would impose a $9.25 per ounce cultivation tax on all medical marijuana produced.

March 17 – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in long-awaited guidelines on prescribing opioid medications for pain, gives tepid endorsement for the use of urine testing before and during opioid therapy for pain, and steers doctors away from testing for THC.

March 1 – On the very day of the dreaded former MMRSA deadline that had cities and counties passing medical marijuana bans across the state, Hesperia city councilmembers unanimously voted to table their medical marijuana ban on its second reading.
February 12 – California NORML has declared its opposition to a bill to impose a new 15% state excise tax on retail purchases of medical marijuana (SB 987 by Sen. McGuire). The tax would be in addition to the current 7.5+% sales tax plus various local business taxes assessed by some localities.

February 3 – Governor Jerry Brown has signed AB 21, an urgency measure introduced by Rep. Jim Wood that repeals a March 1 deadline in the new state medical marijuana law that some have interpreted as requiring local jurisdictions to ban or regulate medical marijuana cultivation, or lose their licensing authority.


January 7, 2016 – “Clean up” bills on the new state medical marijuana laws, and other bills affecting marijuana laws, have been introduced in Sacramento. An urgency measure, AB 21, which repeals the March 1 deadline for local action in MMRSA, is on track to be signed by the Governor within the month.